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Spirit of the Hunt: Scavrou & Co.

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Max Palevsky Max Pussy
2nd Renee Granville Grossman Commons Grapes!
3rd Valois Bois Valwah Bwah
4th I-House I-Home
5th GASH (Graduate & Alumni Scav Hunt) Joie de Fire
6th Davin Reed 29(F) seeking featherless biped
7th Campus North Residential Commons Polaris
8th Burton-Judson She Burton on my Judson ‘til I Scav
9th we are the successors to the fallcrest adventurer’s guild of yore (last year) The Chicago Twinker 👉👈
10th Scavvies Under Challenging Conditions (SUCCs) [human hair]
11th Scavrou Enterprises, LLC Scavrou & Co.
12th (tie)

people who like bread and pottery 🥖☕️ crustsaders 🍞
A silly little man with a mission Cessor’s Quest
Former Kellerites and Co. We’re graduating we have to do the UChicago stuff
Phil the Phoenix Fan Association Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse vehicula cursus quam, eu aliquet enim fermentum vitae. Vivamus erat quam, aliquet quis ultrices ut, condimentum eu erat. Curabitur vel arcu turpis. Sed dui ipsum, ultrices et dui sit amet, finibus placerat lacus. Aliquam condimentum tristique lacinia. Maecenas vitae ante aliquam metus pellentesque pulvinar. Nullam ultrices massa vel orci dapibus, vel commodo eros laoreet. Ut consequat tempor massa, ac rhoncus massa sollicitudin nec. Donec ligula purus, gravida nec ante eu, pulvinar semper mi. Suspendisse ligula turpis, ultricies ut tellus ut, tempus dapibus justo. Ut ac ipsum in quam pretium laoreet tincidunt sit amet purus. Donec in nunc dignissim, semper quam eget, efficitur urna. Donec at pellentesque dolor. Vivamus laoreet elit a risus commodo suscipit a ac ante. Ut consequat nulla finibus sapien venenatis fermentum. Donec non augue sit amet erat ultricies faucibus. Donec sed dapibus lorem. Curabitur tempor consectetur commodo. Praesent eros eros, eleifend eget blandit semper, posuere eu sapien. Fusce molestie faucibus erat, vel faucibus ligula mollis semper. Sed laoreet blandit ipsum, ac dapibus ipsum finibus quis. Nulla varius egestas lectus nec tincidunt. Aenean at fermentum lectus. Donec blandit aliquam sem, venenatis luctus erat. Maecenas congue ornare velit ac mattis. Sed mollis et leo ut tincidunt. Sed vestibulum, mi a posuere ultrices, justo odio vehicula felis, sit amet tincidunt quam tellus sed nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Integer ultrices facilisis elit quis elementum. Nulla facilisi. Mauris mattis, dolor ut faucibus sodales, elit odio pulvinar sem, quis consequat erat velit vitae nunc. Integer accumsan, risus tempor pharetra convallis, metus mi ultrices orci, convallis tempus odio augue nec eros. Fusce molestie tortor quis dolor vehicula dictum. Curabitur malesuada dictum nunc. Aenean tincidunt magna non vestibulum facilisis. Suspendisse eleifend semper neque non commodo. Mauris commodo et arcu in efficitur. Ut condimentum, mauris id bibendum maximus, ipsum neque suscipit neque, eget mattis mi purus eget lectus. Vestibulum varius sem dolor, egestas fringilla tellus egestas id. Etiam porttitor accumsan felis quis lacinia. Phasellus ac sagittis eros. Proin ut dignissim orci. Phasellus vitae odio venenatis, aliquam velit ac, vestibulum turpis. Duis at sodales eros. Duis tincidunt tellus quis turpis ultrices vehicula. Vivamus at dictum lacus. Vivamus tempus gravida diam sed ornare. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris rhoncus ligula eros, in maximus tortor sollicitudin vitae. Duis vel euismod libero. Duis at orci lacinia, congue nibh ut, interdum quam. Nullam eu aliquet ipsum. Donec sed condimentum sem. Mauris in orci enim. Sed feugiat erat id bibendum lacinia. Nulla facilisi. In convallis est ante, sed faucibus mi tempor vitae. Duis tincidunt est ac tempus consequat. Vivamus mattis libero in cursus mattis. Proin est nisi, consequat ut mi a, tempor ultricies sapien.
depressed honors gen chem students and their friends Aristotle’s balls
Just me and maybe some friends! I’ll see if anyone joins me :) Scavvies for a Free Palestine
Just a group of super cool friends The FLI Kids
Maclean House The Joshua Harris Bachelor Party
ben l., arjun b., israel b. jr., ruhaan c., vedant d., grace d. big and greedy
people who don’t know when to quit Streak


Those wishing to try Item 289 can find it here.

Spirit of the Hunt: Smart People…On ICE!

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Sally’s Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Scav Team
2nd International House we need a captain and a name
3rd Valois Bois SVB: Silicon Valois Bois
4th Campus North East Upsilon Nu: Alpha Chapter
5th South Scav Our Market Research Shows That Scav Judges Like Really Long Team Names So We Made this Team to Have the Absolute Longest Team Name Ever Renee Granville-Grossman Residential Commons (Formerly Known as South Campus Residence Hall) Scavenger Hunt Team; To ensure the accuracy of this statement, here is appended the entirety of the Epic of Gilgamesh: He who saw the deep, the foundations of the land; who knew the world, was wise in everything! Gilgamesh, who saw the deep, the foundations of the land; who knew the world, was wise in everything! The totality of wisdom, of which he seized all. He saw the secret and uncovered the hidden; he bore a story of before the flood. He came a distant road; he was weary and he was granted rest; he set down on a stele all of his hardships. He built the walls of Uruk-the-sheepfold, of holy Eanna, the exalted repository. See its wall, which is like a strand of wool! View its ramparts, which none can equal! Take the stairwell from those times long past, close to Eanna, seat of Ishtar, which no later king or man could equal! Go up, up to the top of the wall of Uruk, go along, check the foundation and inspect the mudbrick! See if its mudbrick is not kiln-fired, and its foundations were not laid by the seven sages! One šar-area is city, one šar-area is garden, one šar-area is clay pit, one-half šar-area the temple of Ishtar; three and a half šar-area is the extent of Uruk. See the tablet-box of cedar! Release the lock-ring of bronze! Open the door to its secret! Lift the tablet of lapis lazuli, and read out: all that Gilgamesh walked, all of his misfortunes!
6th Max Palevsky Max Palevsky Center for Kids Who Can’t Scav Good
7th (tie)
Marg’s good time gang Smart People…On ICE!
GASH ouroboros can have little a ouroboros as a treat
9th Burton-Judson Tim Burton-Judson presents: the Nightmare before Mother’s Day
10th Woodlawn We Did Start the Fire: Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom Brando, “The King and I”, and “The Catcher in the Rye” Eisenhower, Vaccine, England’s got a new queen Marciano, Liberace, Santayana, goodbye…
11th The German Mafia Snap, Crackle, POP
12th Just a silly lil DnD group Fallcrest Adventurer’s Guild
13th The Bunge shimpo and the peristeronic gentlemen
14th Sourdough Sourdough: The Final Rise
15th just me STREAK
16th (tie)

Balls (volleyballs, basketballs, bowling balls, bocce balls, tennis balls, lacrosse balls, waterpolo balls, cue balls, beach balls, soccer balls, ping pong balls, etc) The Ball Busters
The dumbasses who constantly quote Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Don and Rani

In-Person Hunt


Spirit of the Hunt: the tomatoes

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock I Do Not Think Therefore I Do Not Am
2nd Woodlawn East Woodlawn Yeast: Rise 2 the Top: Our Energy is Infectious
3rd Burton-Judson Vito Canceleone and the Woke Mob
4th GASH A Million Tiny Teams in a Trenchcoat
5th Breckinridge spork stork. spork dork aborkabork.
6th (tie)
I-House Our Scav Means Death
Valois Bois The Breakfast Club
8th Yuen Upsilon Nu
Max Palevsky cliMAX
South Scav + kevin; + DGH + Jannotta Renesme Granville Grossman (you nicknamed our dorm after the loch ness monster?!?!)
11th amish paste the tomatoes
12th (tie)

BSD Staff Best Scavengers Duh (BSD)
Doghaus Doghaus
Non Non
15th (tie, in no particular order)

West African Research Center Toubabs
The Open Table Between Phoenix and Breckinridge Milk is Short for Michael
Me Me
Megamind life Megamind
College Toe Beans ??
just some off-campus pals ScAVENGERS
Mina’s team Mina’s the best
NA Diaspora Dynamites
None quf
snakes Medusa

Virtual Hunt


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Sourdough Squad Fresh Bread: Young and Hot
2nd Just Me Streak ??????
3rd Some alums and friends, formerly ja ja dingdong & ys Bananawolf


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st (tie)
Brovo (Breckinridge + Yovovich) Find Hot Kraft Singles in Your Area
Snell-Hitchcock One Man Enters, Five Chickens Leave
3rd Burton-Judson Everburton vs the Suez Canal
4th I-House International Horse
5th Valois Bois To All Valois I’ve Loved Before
6th GASH To F*** Around is Human; to Find Out is Divine
7th Kenwood/Keller Team Up kevin;
8th A Year-Old Loaf of Sourdough Breckinridge Alumni Sourdough Squad: The Second Rising: Loaves and Fishes
9th MacStrongin Bold of you to assume we have pants on
10th Alumni Play jaja dingdong!!
Alumni 🔥streak🔥
South Dorm South Scav
13th Jannotta Jude Paul’s Scav Race
14th Wash U 701 Limt Ave
15th Red Team Plurmorant
16th Unaffiliated Go Scav Go
17th Group MiaoMiaoMiao
Teams That Earned Negative Points

Salisbury alumni + friends SCAM SCAV
Greenwood Kasik
Duskmatle & Friend? Macross before virginity loss
we represent a bunch of cool people :^) Chopped Dough
Awesome People Last Minute


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Breckinridge what if you wanted to go to study break but god said “sex ed”
2nd Snell-Hitchcock Scrappy Doo Found Dead in Miami
3rd (tie)
Burton-Judson “don’t we need a name” and the open poll
Gash Scav Trek: The Prior Generation
4th (tie)
MacStrongin We are never going to financially recover from this: yeet the rich
Valois Bois Super Blintendo Chalmers
5th I-House We hope this Scav team finds you well in these difficult times.
6th Alumni removing your message doesn’t remove your sins @Chris

Max Palevsky Masked Palevsky
Harper Café Poosy Live Poosy Die
Yeast The Unbearable Lightness of Sourdough
8th Alumni The Glorious Commonwealth of Ys
9th Pre-Frosh The Prom Redeemers
10th Washington University in St. Louis 701 Limit Ave
11th Alumni Impresario
12th (tie)
Pierogi’s Friends Friends of Pierogi
Jannotta House Jude Paul’s Scav Race
13th (tie)
Duskmantle and Friends The Sims 4: Get Famous
apartment making a team bc quarantine Where do I obtain wedgie board? Do I have to make my own wedgie or can I buy one from a witch or vegan?
14th Alumni We are Shank
15th (tie)
Alumni Billy Don’t Be a Gyro
South Campus South Scav
17th SCAM Scav A Modern Lifestyle Brand by SCAM SCAV
18th Unafilliated Go Scav Go
19th Alumni Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Jalapeño Preppers
20th Alumni For Shalissa<3
21st Earth Team Dial Direct
22nd Event Horizon House Bay Rats
23rd joey the cats miss you omega’s wrath hath been unleashed
24th teammate forMAT Error
25th Alumni 2 bros, sitting in a hot tub, 6 ft apart cause of quarantine
26th (tie)

I know a guy who knows a guy…, Dark Wing Ducks
[it me] Tong of Tongs
Temple of False Prophets Votaries of Diana
Pritzker School of Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine Scav Hunt Team


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st (tie)
Breckinridge Breckcest at Tiffin’s
Snell-Hitchcock International Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
3rd Maclean/Strongin This is so sad, Alexa play “Strongin Sucks”
4th Burton-Judson Mark ZuckerBurton & The Harvard Dropouts
5th GASH The GASH 2020 Exploratory Committee
6th I-House r/uchicago: AWFUL HOUSING ASSIGNMENT, NOW I DON’T WANT TO GO HERE: I got a single in i-house. From what I gather, an awful dorm, in an awful location, with no culture and now I’m solo. Pretty depressing. Part of me was searching for reasons to pull the trigger on a gap year and reevaluate where I want to go, so I’m taking today’s news as a sign. Am I overreacting?
7th Max Palevsky Max Trek: The Final Scavtier
8th STTR-BBoY If the Judges Don’t Show Up in Fifteen Minutes, We’re Legally Allowed to Leave
9th Valois Bois Scav Life 3: Confirmed
10th GGRC South Scav
11th (tie)

Duskmantle and Friends Scrub Daddies
Harper Cafe Pussy Live and Pussy Die
Jannotta Jude Paul’s Scav Race
15th (tie)
#Gravelanche 2020 TSHIRTTIME
Pritzker School of Medicine Pritzker School of Medicine Scav Hunt Team
17th Church of Scientology mole patrol
18th one man army farding and shidding and cumming on top of mansueto’s juicy ass
19th Track and Field Scavy McScavface
20th feet sandal
21st Kundling Astronomers present the first ever image of the K Hole!


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Oh Hi Marx
2nd Breckinridge Polká Dexys Midnight Beyblade Runner 2001: A Super Mario Snake Odyssey: Rated Arr For Pirates: The Musical: Let It RIP
3rd Burton-Judson Marie Curie & the Free Radicals
4th (tie)
Maclean/Strongin Maclean Scav Presents: Brostomp
STTR-BBoY Please Unsubscribe Me From This Mailing List
6th GASH Chicago Murderbirds
7th Max Palevsky Max Avengers: Infinity Scav
8th I-House IHOP (International House of People-against-acronyms)
9th 🤒🤰🍆🐍🔛🤰🍆🐻✈️ 🌵
10th Valois Valois Bois
11th SCAV Team Six United States Naval Special Warfare Command
12th VAST (Virtually A Scav Team) Alienated Laborers
13th Queer Scav Straight Scav Bothers Me
14th (tie)
Janotta Jannotta Proletariat
Scampi Scav GGRC
16th Salisbury Cat Alum Mob SCAM Scav
17th One Trans, One Team One Trans, One Team
18th Harper Cafe Espresso Patronum
19th Atlanta Study Abroad None of your Burt’s Beeswax
20th (tie)

One Woman, One Team One Item, One Team
Etc. UChicago and the Caucasian Office
Josh Josh is still alive
Say my whole name this year Melissa Drexler and Oscar the Grouch Star in: Juno
Scavvy McScav Face Track and Delta Gamma


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Egg;
2nd Burton-Judson Gordon Ramsay and the Nine Circles of Hell’s Kitchen
3rd (tie)
Breckinridge ””
STTR-BBoY Northern Alliance for Satellite Assimilation (NASA)
5th Max Palevsky Maxy Python and the Holy Scav
6th Strongin The Jeanne Gang: A Well-Constructed Scav Team
7th GASH The Scavalry
8th Queer Scav The Lavender Scare
9th Scampi Scav Scampi Scav Presents: A Series of Mildly Uncomfortable Events
10th I-House I-House Scav Presents: Untested Development
11th Janotta House One Man, One Team
12th Humanity Team Dai-Gurren
13th (tie)

BJ Michael Vick Presents: Nintendogs
”breck deserved it the most” - bobby j zimmer the satellites deserved it
Atlanta Study Abroad Jimmy Carter’s Peanut Gallery


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Doing Honest Scav in College
2nd Breckinridge 100 Years of Solid Dudes
3rd Burton Judson Robespierr and the Reign of Cher
4th BroStoMP FM Chicago Illuminati Exchange
5th Max Palevsky Mad Max P: University Road
6th Maclean A River Runs Through It One Last Time: Yippee Ki-Yay Motherfucker
7th I-Stone I-Stone Presents: Studio Ghibli’s Castle in the Scav
8th GASH Belligerent and Numerous
9th Scampi Scav Oedipus and the Mama’s Boys
10th QueerScav The Other Team
11th All are welcome in memory of Sean Sullivan One Man, One Team
12th Vincent SortofanAdultWoman what is very obviously just 3 trenchcoats stacked on top of each other pretending to be an adult woman
13th Justice Dumpling Hell Garden: That’s a Wrap, Y’all
14th Honk Kong Study Abroad The University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt Special Administrative Region (Two Countries, One Scav)
15th WAA Spring Splash 2k16
16th Police Baton Enthusiests Nancy Kerrigan and the First Case of White on White Police Brutality
17th Mahmoud Aliamer’s Room X Men X Teams
18th (tie)

Vienna Human Rights Study Abroad Human Wrongs
Wisconsin State Assembly Avengers Assemble
Srat Starz OOWTFYB
Tommy Rob Outrageous Fun


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Windows 95
2nd (tie)
Breckinridge Sophonisba’s Old-Timey Whale Oil Backpeddlers
BroStoMP FM North Campus Alumni Association
4th Burton Judson Burt Judd and Sons’ Automan Empire
5th Max Palevsky University of Chicago at Phoenix
6th GASH Geezers of the Galaxy
7th I-Stone Parks and Wreck Creation
8th Scampi Richard J. Daley’s Undead Electorate
9th Maclean Stormtruthers: The Death Star Was an Inside Job
10th Queer Seriously Trans Rebels Amass Incredibly Gay Hero Team (STRAIGHT)
11th The FIST Marvel’s Agents of Achille’s S.H.I.E.L.D.
12th Women’s Athletics Association (WAA) Spring Splash 2k15
13th Burton-Fudson Courts Burton-Fudson
14th Physics Grad Students  
15th UTEP Team Sexy Balance
16th Independent Apartments South of 61st One Man, One Team
17th Mahmoud Aliamer’s Room X Men X Teams
18th MAPSS  
19th Team Tornado  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Burton-Judson Mrs. O’Leary and the Holy Cows
2nd Snell-Hitchcock Engineering At The Snell-Hitchcock Institute of Technology
3rd BroStoMP United Coalition of Pierce Defenders (UCPD)
4th Breckinridge ;)
5th Max Palevsky Harold’s Phoenix Shack
6th (tie)
GASH Scavving Like It’s 1999
South Campus Salvador Dali Partons
8th Black-I The Black-I’s
9th Maclean Logging, Pimping, and Your Pal Jim Nondorf: A Trainwash to the Stars
10th Independent FIST: The New Class
11th Independent The Faux-Op
12th Independent Pillars of Pure Salt
13th Independent Gödel, Escher, Batman
14th (tie)
Physics Grad Students Chicago Mafia
Cornell Physics Grad Students  
16th Great Oaks Charter School Ms. McCaffrey’s 6th Graders
17th Independent Sarah, Chris, and Ben
18th Independent The Cheese Stands Alone
19th Beijing Study Abroad The Collective Collective Farm Collective
20th Columbia Grad Students  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st BROSTOMP FM CCCP (Chicago Careers in Career Preparedness)
2nd Burton-Judson Bill Nye and the Science Lies
3rd Snell-Hitchcock Deformis Sed Winning
4th Breckinridge The Milton Friedman Institute for Pornographic Research
5th Max Palevsky This Is Not a Drill
6th (tie)
GASH The League of Disorderly Gentlefolk
South Campus The South Will Rise
8th International House The Little Shit Show That Could
9th Omegatrons  
10th WHAT We Have A Team!
11th Physics Graduate Students  
12th Athens Study Abroad  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Crescat Snellentia Vita Hitchcokatur
2nd Burton-Judson Rasputin and the All Tsars
3rd MacPierce The Political Action Committee for More America Now (PAC-MAN)
4th Breckinridge Ü
5th Max Palevsky MPFD
6th Blintstone Blint and the Family Stone
7th GASH (Graduate and Alumni Scavenger Hunt) The Reprehensibles
8th South Campus Residence Hall Sisyphus and the Rolling Stones
9th International House  
10th Physics Graduate Students  


In celebration of our 25th anniversary, we set the world record for the largest scavenger hunt! The item appeared on the List as item 277, though it was not restricted to registered Scav Hunt teams, and it consisted of a scavenger hunt on the Quads. The rules of the event can be found here and a list of the items to be found on the Quads is here.

The clues for item 35 (“the puzzle hunt”) can be found here.

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Burton-Judson John D. Rockefeller and the Captains of Injury
2nd Snell-Hitchcock The Dark Side of the Quad
3rd MacPierce The Rahmones
4th Max Palevsky Phoenix Envy
5th (tie)
Breckinridge F.A.S.T. : F.A.S.T. Ain’t a Scav Team
South Campus Scampi People, Dear Judges
7th Broadview-Flint Blintzkrieg
8th Grad Students and Alumni Scav All-Czars
9th CBGB & OMFUG “Pals”
10th FIST Lush Puppies Mk XI;The FIST 1.0; Deleuzean Latkes; Stony Island Turns Off Safe Search;Less Umlaut, More Cowbell!; Rosebud: It’s true, every toboggan in media is a vehicle for philosophical discussion; Sungods have surprisingly good grammar.; Hurry metric frogs! Kronur?;Mathews House; The Bureau of W.H.A.T. (W.E. H.A.V.E. A. T.O.W.E.L. (Wobbuffets Exist, Has Anyone Verified Elsewise? Acronyms Thrice Over: wobBUFfet Elite League! (Wombat overlords, bazookas, bakery, undulating ferrets, fifer, existential turrets, succulent Emacs, xenomorph, interrobang, stalactites, typhoons, Habberdashing, anon, scythe, Abominable nunchucks, yeoman, ottoman, nudity, erupting, Verily, elementary, rudimentary, idealistic fistorobato, idolaters, erudite defenestration, Elephantitis, linguine, swimmy, eviceration, worcestershiresauce, iconic statuesque erronious Alopecia, crapqqbtastic robots, oddity, necrophilia, yossarian marsupials, santorum, Tactics,, rampage, impalement, crab-battle, evangelists, Olioliolio!, vitriol, entrails, rabblerabblerabble, We Must Go Deeper, Everything loves its testicles, enter Lusts everlasting, aromas, gaping underwear, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeuphemism)));The Last Rainbow Robot Unicorn
11th University of Wisconsin Law School Team Rural Jurors
12th Greek Life (Fraternity and Sorority) The Greeks


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock The Hitchcocker’s Guide to the Snellaxy
2nd (tie)
BJ & Blackstone Dr. Scodel’s League of Atrocious Wonders
Max Palevsky Hooked on Phoenix
4th MacPierce The People’s Liberation Front of Scavistan
5th South Campus The Glass Panopticon
6th Breckinridge Enrico Fermi’s Scarlet Sex Machine
7th Broadview & Flint The Blintstones
8th GASH Space Fogies
9th FIST Lush Puppies Mk X; The F.I.S.T. point Nein; Deleuzean Potatoe Gun; Stony Never Calls Back; Ümläut, M?t??? ?u?kèR; Rosebud: [edited for Spoiler Alert]; It’s 10 PM, do u know where ur Sungodz r?; Hungry Skirt Rumor Force; The Shoreland; The Bureau of Igloos, Coleslaw, Avocados, Nostradamus, Tuesdays, Brevity, Exclusivity, Lists, Irony, Et Cetera, Vagueness, Exterior, Interior, Totality, Seriousness, Not Silliness, Ontology, Truth, Other Stuff, Restrooms, Gallimaufry, Alphabetizing, Ne’er-do-wells, Inundations, Zeppelins, Everymen, and De-alphabetizing (I.C.A.N.T.B.E.L.I.E.V.E.I.T.S.N.O.T.O.R.G.A.N.I.Z.E.D.)
10th Independent Team Lanie
11th Independent A T-Rex Ate My Team Name


The winning submission for Item 8 can be found here.

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Mendicant Cingulata
2nd Burton-Judson Ron Paul Presents: Ron Paul’s Ruff Riders
3rd Max Palevsky Dinosaurmageddon
4th (tie)
MacPierce John Boyer’s Science Warriors
Shoreland Team Ragnarok: Burn This Mother Down
6th (tie)
GASH Those meddling adults
8th Breckinridge Davin Reed is People!
Ümläut Ümläut Àccènt Gràvè, REGR, SGIUZ, YUHR, The New Dorm
10th Hooverstone Agent Claus and his Christmas Joneses



Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock The Army Dillo
2nd Max Palevsky The Audacity of Pope
3rd Burton-Judson The War of Southern Aggression
4th MacPierce The University of Chicago School of Engineering
5th Shoreland The Untouchables
7th FIST Heroic Furry Gut Monks II FIST: The Federation of Independent Scavhunt Teams
8th Broadview Vandelay Industries
9th Broover Scav Trek V: The Vinyl Frontier


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Psycho Refraction Party
2nd Max Palevsky T.A.C.O.S.
3rd F.I.S.T. LPMVII: TFISTPS: DPH: BSD-TS: No ____, All Ümläüt, RSTFS: Vagrant Sun Gods
4th MacPierce Team Samosa: The Llama’s Revenge
5th (tie)
Broover Scav Trek 4: TLSODR, f/ G”BTPOC”H, and S”HVAIBOM”B, BTYB the PTPYLC and JJATRC: HIDB?IHKH!
Burton-Judson BJ and the Logical Phalluses
7th Shoreland Antepenultimatum
8th Broadview Unicornicopians
9th Scavengers: The ScavDocumentary Crew  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Max Palevsky Team WOMBAT for Great Justice!
2nd Snell-Hitchcock Snells Like Hitchcock Spirit
Even Less ____, Even More Ümläüt, Rosebud
4th Broover P9FOS: SRvGB!, an ATOHTLTG, SBTUofCDOHM and More!
5th Shoreland Housing Sold Me Out
6th (tie)
Burton-Judson The Foot
MacPierce Northern Empire of Unfastened Pscho Schoolmates
8th Broadview The New and Improved Rocket Widgets (© Guinness)
9th Vegan/Co-Op/MacLab The Seitanists


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st (tie)
Snell-Hitchcock Armadillo of Darkness
Max Palevsky Team Fluffy, Destroyer of Worlds
Less ____, More Ümläüt!
4th Shoreland The Emperor Strikes Back
5th (tie)
7th Broadview Untitled
8th Vegans/Co-Op  
9th Burton-Judson REVOLUTION!



Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock Hitchcapocalyptic Death Snell
2nd Max Palevsky Phoenix, Bitch
3rd F.I.S.T. Lush Puppies Mk IV: F.I.S.T., Trios: Deleuzean Potato Reloaded: Billmire’s Scrod Does Stony
4th Shoreland The Emperor’s New Outfit
5th Broover Sophonisba Does Gary: The Davin Reed Experience
6th Pierce  
7th Vegans G-SPrOuT
8th Burton-Judson (sans Vincent) No-names
9th Vincent  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Max Palevsky Phoenix Does Dallas
2nd Shoreland The Outfit
3rd Snell-Hitchcock Snell My Hitchcock: Fuckin’ Yeah
4th F.I.S.T. The Lush Puppies Mk. III: The F.I.S.T. Deux: The Deleuzean Potato
5th Pierce Team Verna
6th Hoover Team Bara: The Universal Truth
7th Burton-Judson REVOLUTION!
8th Commuters/Max Mason  
9th Fire Escape Tom Bennett’s All-Star Acolytes


Abductees’ List

Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Max Palevsky Phoenix Rising
2nd Snell-Hitchcock Institutionalized Failures
3rd Pierce Notorious Amphioxous Posse
4th Lush Puppies Lush Puppies Mk II: The F.I.S.T.
5th Shoreland The Avengers
6th Hoover Broover
7th Burton-Judson BJ Shower Power: Mario Twins to the Rescue
8th Commuters/Max Mason  
9th Broadview The Hunting Broads


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock  
2nd (tie)
Woodward Court & Maclean Phoenix Burning
Pierce Riotproof 151
4th Shoreland  
6th The Lush Puppies The Lush Puppies
7th Burton-Judson The Absolut Clergy


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st (tie)
Snell-Hitchcock Snell My Hitchcock
Shoreland Shoreland Scav Hunt Team: Knights of the Cause Shoreland
3rd Woodward Court Biohazard
4th Pierce OCD
5th Burton-Judson (sans Mathews) Atliens
6th Breckinridge Not Team Evil
7th Mathews Mr. Serious
8th Max Mason Max Factor
9th Maclean Logging, Pimping, and Your Pal Jim


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Burton-Judson (sans Mathews) The Ruff Ryders
2nd Mathews Piratechnics
3rd Shoreland SHT
4th Pierce Pierce P.H.U.Z.Z.
5th Snell-Hitchcock  
6th Woodward Court The Ward
7th Max Mason  
8th Breckinridge Team Evil
9th Broadview Stolen Nuclear Goods
10th Moose Party ‘99  
11th Maclean  
12th Maroon  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Shoreland  
2nd Burton-Judson Viagra Falls
3rd Woodward Court The Accommodators
4th Snell-Hitchcock  
5th Mathews Shailer Trash
6th ? Mighty MoFo DangerRangers
7th Pierce The Collective
8th SigEp  
9th Breckinridge Ninja Death Squad
10th Max Mason  
11th Harvard Crimson  


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Snell-Hitchcock  
2nd Salisbury, Vincent, & Coulter Heaven’s Gate
3rd Woodward Court Redemption
4th Pierce & Max Mason  
5th MUNUC, Maroon, & Blackstone Coalition HOPE
6th Maclean Team Evil
7th Mathews Rice Dream
8th Dodd-Mead  
9th ? Adiabatic Bulk Modulus

The Shoreland team was disqualified this year for a hacking incident.


Placement Team (Affiliation) Team (Name)
1st Vincent  
2nd Snell-Hitchcock  
3rd MUNUC & Blackstone MUNUCSTONE
4th Salisbury Mad Cows
5th Max Mason  


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Snell-Hitchcock
3rd Lower Flint


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Snell-Hitchcock
2nd Wick
3rd Breckinridge


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Snell-Hitchcock
2nd Vincent
3rd Breckinridge


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Lower Rickert
3rd Vincent
4th Chamberlin
5th Upper Rickert
6th Dodd-Mead
7th Mathews
8th Salisbury
9th Blackstone
10th Hitchcock
11th Talbot
12th UC Sci-Fi
13th Tufts
14th Michelson
15th MacLean


Placement Team (Affiliation)
2nd Wick
3rd Vincent
4th Michelson
5th Chamberlin
6th Lower Rickert
7th Upper Flint
8th Dodd-Mead
9th Filbey
10th Shorey
11th Tufts
12th Mathews


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Palmer
2nd Shorey
3rd Vincent
4th Chamberlin
5th Max Mason
6th Tufts
7th Filbey
8th Mathews
9th Lower Rickert
10th Michelson
11th Henderson
12th Upper Flint
13th Thompson
14th Lower Wallace
15th Blackstone
16th Hitchcock
17th Commuters
18th Bradbury
19th Dudley
20th Linn
21st Talbot
22nd Wick
23rd Sci-Fi Club
24th Compton
25th Lower Flint
26th (tie)
Ryerson Astronomical Society
28th Coulter


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Talbot


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Chamberlin
2nd Hitchcock
3rd Lower Rickert


Placement Team (Affiliation)
1st Chamberlin

Other Matters of History

In the illustrious history of ScavHunt, the following have been theme songs:

2024: The B-52s, “Rock Lobster”
2023: Akiko Wada, “KANPAI FUNK”
2014(0): The Billboard Hot 100 Number Ones of 2014(0)
2021: Tame Impala, “Elephant”, as covered by The Wiggles
2020: Daði Freyr, “Think About Things”
2019: The Black Eyed Peas, “Pump It”
2018: Ethel Merman, “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” (Disco Album version)
2017: Carly Rae Jepsen, “Store”
2016: Wang Chung, “Everybody Have Fun Tonight”
2015: Hoobastank, “The Reason”
2014(2): Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island, “Everything is Awesome”
2014(1): Quad City DJs, “Space Jam”
2012: Buddy Holly, “You’re So Square (Baby I Don’t Care)”
2011: The Foundations, “Build Me Up Buttercup”
2010: Adriano Celentano, “Prisencolinensinainciusol”
2009: Queen and David Bowie, “Under Pressure”
2008: The White Stripes, “Conquest”
2007: Maldroid, “Heck No! (I’ll Never Listen to Techno)”
2006: Scorpions, “Rock You Like a Hurricane”
2005: The Beach Boys, “I Get Around”
2004: Junior Senior, “Move Your Feet”
2003: Kenny Loggins, “Danger Zone”
2002: Andrew W.K., “Party Hard”
2001: The Charlie Daniels Band, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia”
2000: Positive K, “I Gotta Man”
1999: Vengaboys, “We Like to Party”
1998: Weather Girls, “It’s Raining Men”

You can listen to all of them here.

The Judges Most Regal

The ranks of Hot Side Hot have, at one time or another, included the following (and if you are not on this list but can prove that you should be, e-mail scavheadjudge@gmail so that we can administer the secret test)

Alex Arnell (2025–)
Gabriel Almas Byrd (2025–)
Kiran (2025–)
Van Gabriel Olson (2025–)
Lewis Christensen (2024–)
Will Samuel Epstein (2024–)
Isha Mehta (2024–)
Brandon P LaCrosse (2023–)
Cole Washburn (2023–)
David Aguilar Hall (2023–)
Lila Grigorina Jeemy (2023–)
Audrey Paris Scott (2023–)
Brittney Lynn Dorton (2023–)
Gabriela Claire Garcia (2023–)
Ryan Solomon Gold (2023–)
Emma Jean Simpson (2021–)
Joren David Husic (2021–)
Kit Downey (2021–)
Rebecca Greenberg (2021–2021)
Artemie Li Chang (2020–)
Ihna Yoo (2020–)
Jacob Leo Blitz (2020–)
Sabrina Grace Sternberg (2020–)
Destiny DeAnn Reeves (2019–)
Melissa Ariel Walsh (2019–)
Nell Williamson Shaffer (2019–)
Sam Michael Dulys (2019–)
Abbie Louisa Reeves (2018–)
Alexander William Hearn (2018–)
David Maxwell Klinger (2018–)
Gabrielle Lindsey Dulys (2018–)
Joey Steven Valdez (2018–)
Cassandra Miriam Cohen (2017–)
Erin Claire Glynn (2017–)
Eva Judith Brotslaw (2017–)
Michael Aaron Hochman (2017–)
Ori Portland Brian (2017–)
Sihyun Eren Ahn (2017–)
Andrew Isaac Jaffe (2016–)
Julianna Rose St. Onge (2016–)
Udayan Ravi Vaidya (2016–)
Kate Elizabeth Mooney (2015–)
Molly Elizabeth Blondell (2015–)
Reed Benjamin Mershon (2015–)
Ruby Coyne (by birth) (2015–)
William Tahoe de Oliveira Schrader (2015–)
Daniel Petersen Booth (2014(2)–)
Erin Mary Simpson (2014(2)–)
Lily Ling Zhao (2014(2)–)
Emily Natalie Tixier (2014(2)–)
Walker Riley King (2014(2)–)
James Edward Duehr (2014(1)–)
Rachel Alexandra Hwang (2014(1)–)
Lindsey Julia Simon (2014(1)–)
Jeremy Penin Ziring (2014(1)–)
Seth Henry Berlin (2012–)
Peter Bernard Borah (2012–)
Nicholas Christopher Cassleman (2012–)
Michael Jacek Furdyna (2012–)
Andrew William Jordan (2012–)
Kirsten Anne Madsen (2012–)
Catherine Zuul Scharon (2012–)
Alexander Joseph Brandt (2011–)
Samuel Ryan Bowman (2011–)
Rebecca Anne Maurer (2011–)
Julian Schwaller (2011–)
Sarah Margaret Staudt (2011–)
Mary Adelina Coyne (by birth) (2010–)
Grace Hollingsworth Chapin (2010–)
Samuel Raphael Feldman (2010–)
Ezra Deutsch-Feldman (2010–)
Margaret Anne Mallari (2010–)
Leah Zöe Gibson Rand (2010–)
Hyacinth Liu (2010–)
Daniel Tamor Liu Citron (2009–)
Benjamin David Umans (2009–)
Christopher Michael Havlin (2009–)
Daniel Marshall Wade (2009–)
Paul Wilburforth Davis (2009–)
Emily Rachel Watkins (2008–)
William Curran Volk (2008–)
Jennifer L. Crowell (2007–)
Samuel Turner Silk Boyd (2007–)
Jonathan Douglas Williams (2006–)
Patrick Joseph Augustine (2006–2018)
Christian Farrell Kammerer (eternal)
Matthew Lawrence Fink (2005–2013)
Karl Davis (2003–)
Katherine Anne Lipkowitz
William Smith Deitz
Sebastian Andrew Ellefson (2003–)
Leila Steven Sales
James Daniel Ryan
Kathleen Elizabeth Scanlon (2008–)
Nicholas Paul Poulos (2005–)
Joel Robert Putnam
Steven Gaskins Lucy
Sara Kanwal Rezvi
Colin Alfred McFaul
Lisa Rose Feiertag
Victor Neminis
Patricia Claire Gilbert
Courtney Marie Prokopas
Matthew Richard Kellard
Samuel Jesse Hunt
Kaury Ty (Eisenman) Kucera
Matthew Gregory Dembowski
Moacir Pranas Grigalius de Sá Pereira
Michael Daly Campion
Stephen K. Chan
Stephen Joseph Cicala
Connor Ryan Coyne
Jessica Jalbrzikowski Coyne
Emily Whitman Easton
Thomas Robert Howe
Nicholas Monsour
Jasmine Davila
Daryl Bernard Osuch
Jessica Ruth Plonka
Sonia Maria Rupcic
Michael Donohue
Dennis Brennan (1993–)
Ron Ludwigsen
Bob Hallberg
Stephen Lawrence
Rick Jeffries
Nolan McCarty
Diane Kelly
Cassie Scharff Hallberg
Chris Straus (founder)